Exercitium of imitation, collaboration with Anna Bromley, 2014-2015. Video projection, 2 demonstrators animating the audience to participate. 14 min., English. |
In this movement and speech experiment, the two performers relate the audience in the imitation of sweeping and exceeding gestures of a world-famous philosopher who shares a joke about German hermeneutics and flushing toilets.
The Projection of the sequence, which is six times slower and subtitled with the script of the joke, serves as a playback for the imitation of speech and gestures. The writing of the subtitling refers graphically on the onomatopoeic distortion of the slowed speech. In embodying the Karaoke together, potentials of collective virtuosity and knowledge creation will be activated. The retarding slowdown tries an ironic meditation on how body images of scientific knowledge getting materialized. There are details and body norms experiencable, that are not perceptible in the normal speed. |
Bromley_Fesca_Showreel from Michael Fesca on Vimeo.