Fermenting Time from Michael Fesca on Vimeo.
Visual Essay
3:25 min, 720p HD, 2016
10 students, 10 sourdough starter, 10 bowls of bread, a dinner.
Fermentation as a subtle not entirely controllable process, fascinates us in his exuberant wealth and power.
Left to ruin, it causes bacterial cultures, which are doubling exponentially.
In times of global unification of everyday processes, which thus seem getting simpler and more economically efficient, fermentation could be a self-empowering alternative that everyone can learn themselves and safe diversity. It increases a wealth of new flavours that are not familiar to us anymore. As spontaneous and self-enhancing process fermentation contradicts the narration of inevitably compounding scarcity. Could this enzymatic process be a model of a decentralized social fermentation?
The trailer represents a workshop I was running -along with Tainá Guedes (Food Design) - for students of the Product Design Departement (Prof. Barbara Schmidt) at Kunsthochschule Weissensee. Camera and design in cooperation with Amadeus Lindemann.
Currently, he is shown as part of the exhibition "Table Tools" at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery.
3:25 min, 720p HD, 2016
10 students, 10 sourdough starter, 10 bowls of bread, a dinner.
Fermentation as a subtle not entirely controllable process, fascinates us in his exuberant wealth and power.
Left to ruin, it causes bacterial cultures, which are doubling exponentially.
In times of global unification of everyday processes, which thus seem getting simpler and more economically efficient, fermentation could be a self-empowering alternative that everyone can learn themselves and safe diversity. It increases a wealth of new flavours that are not familiar to us anymore. As spontaneous and self-enhancing process fermentation contradicts the narration of inevitably compounding scarcity. Could this enzymatic process be a model of a decentralized social fermentation?
The trailer represents a workshop I was running -along with Tainá Guedes (Food Design) - for students of the Product Design Departement (Prof. Barbara Schmidt) at Kunsthochschule Weissensee. Camera and design in cooperation with Amadeus Lindemann.
Currently, he is shown as part of the exhibition "Table Tools" at Entretempo Kitchen Gallery.