2015 - 2022 University of Art and Design Linz/Austria: Doctoral student,
Thesis: „A Topology of Groove“, expected to be defended in April, 2023,
supervised by Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Phil. Karin Harrasser.
2001 - 2002 Meisterschüler, post graduate program, University of the Arts, Bremen
1993 - 2001 Diplom (MFA), Cum Laude, University of the Arts, Bremen, Fine Arts
1989 - 1993 State certified Goldsmith
Exhibitions and Performances
2022 Manifesta 14, Prishtina, Drawings to the work of Anna Bromley: A voice exist in voicing.
2021 „Menschen mit Nazihintergrund“, Contribution to „This is Germany“, invited by Candice Breitz, Moshtari Hillal, Sinthujan Varatharajah, „Quotendebatte“, Contribution to „This is Germany“, cinematography.
2020 Performance, Kunstverein Röderhof; Display for „sound.nodes“, Bärenzwinger, Berlin; Dramaturgy for „Location Determination Difficulties“ by A. Bromley, at Radio in Between Spaces, Köln.
2019 Performance, Kunstuniversität Linz; Performance/Lecture, Depot, Wien;
Workshop, The Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Kraków.
2018 Performance, „BREATHTURN“ Musrara Mix Festival, Jerusalem;
„YOU BETTER COME TWICE! “, Performace, Cose Cosmiche, Mailand
„Ceramic And Its Dimensions. Shaping The Future“, Bröhan Museum Berlin.
2017 „About to Eat“, Performance, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW, Basel,
„Trotzdem handeln“, Performance-Lecture and Performance TaiChiKaraoke, Galerie Stadt Eberswalde
"Ganz langsam, was wird hier andauernd auf den Punkt gebracht?", Lecture-Performance, Kunstuni Linz and Depot Wien
2016 „Playing off the Beat“, Performance, REPETITION/S, Ljubljana
„Auftakt“, nGbK, Berlin
2015 „Chewing over the planet“, Exposed, Fondazione Forma, C/O Mailand;
Blindlings Lachen, (solo w/ Anna Bromley), Villa Rosenthal, Jena;
Bureau for Paradoxical Relations, nGbK, Berlin;
Order/Structure, Thealit, Bremen
body discourse, Altes Spital/ Universität Wien;
2014 De 199C à 199D, Le Magazin – Centre National d`Art Contemporain de Grenoble;
blauverschiebung, Galerie KUB, Leipzig;
RedeShop Doppel, Thisisnotashop, Bremen;
2013 Die Irregulären-Ökonomien des Abweichens (The Irregulars - Economies of Deviations), nGbK, Berlin;
Doing Nerd, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Berlin;
remix, Spor Klübü, Berlin (g)
2012 Swinging Plasticine Shifted Two, Note On, Berlin; Ready for Fatality?;
A Garden in the Air, Datscharadio, Berlin
2011 Swinging Plasticine, Errant Bodies, Berlin, with dilettantin produktionsbüro;
Wir tanzen gak: here's to you and me, GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen;
International Photography Festival, Les Rencontres d'Arles;
2010 The 3rd Gemini Show, Performance Slow Shot, Appartement, Berlin
2009 Helter Skelter, Kulturpalast, Berlin; Hausbesuch, Künstlerhaus Bremen
2007 Wasserzeichen, Shedhalle, Tübingen, Drive & Control, Bosch Rexroth Prize Nominees, Würzburg
2006 Cold Day Circle, Kunst und Künstlerhaus Schwankhalle, Junges Theater Bremen (s);
45 degree, Künstlerhaus Hooksiel (solo)
2005 Nominees for the Fine Art Advancement Award, Municipal Gallery, Bremen
2004 Transit im Schauspielhaus, GAK, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst Bremen (solo)
2021 Lautstrom#75: Anna-Lena Wenzel, Experimental Feature, 60 min., reboot.fm.
Lautstrom#70: Anke Henning, Experimental Feature, 60 min., reboot.fm.
2018 Lautstrom#47: Taktökonomie, on “Im Takt des Geldes” by Eske Bockelmann radio feature, 60 mins., reboot.fm
2014 Lautstrom#38: Die Kunst des Kollektiven, with Kai van Eikels, Anna Bromley, experimental radio feature, 60 mins.,
reboot.fm, Berlin, Germany
2013 Lautstrom#33: OtlOnAir, on "Kommando Otl Aicher" by Alexander Negrelli, radio feature, 60 mins., reboot.fm
2013 Inflationary Irregular: Nerdy, Dilettante, Virtuoso; series of three radio features, each 60 min., with Anna Bromley,
reboot.fm, nGbK Berlin and Heinrich Böll-Foundation Berlin
Upcoming (Sich) Eingrooven (AT) – Einsetzen und Reinkommen,
Schmuggeln (AT) – Weiterreichen und Verschleiern, Transformatorische Potentiale. project with A. Bromley and Sophie Lembke.
Excess and Austerity (WT), exhibition project with Paola Bonino, UNA Piacenza.
2022 Project Space Festival Berlin, zusammen mit Heiko Pfreundt und Lisa Susanne Schorm (Kreuzberg Pavillon), Wayra Schuebel, Erin Mitchell, Kathryn Lawrence, Joe Clark, Piotr Pietrus, Paula G. Vidal, Lay Lay Image Productions (Elma Riza).
2014 - 2015 Redemption Jokes and Bureau for Paradoxical Relations; w/ A. Bromley, S. Husse,
T. Lange, J. Sotzko; exhibition, research journey, public office w/ workshop series, book, film nights;
nGbK, New Society of Fine Art, Berlin
2014 Therapeutic Alliances, Two-Day-Conference, part of the exhibition Illnes as Metaphor (curated by B. Peters),
concept and conference line w/ Anna Bromley, Kampnagel Hamburg
2012 - 2013 The Irregulars - Economies of Deviation; w/ Anna Bromley, Sara Hillnhütter, Eylem Sengenzer,
Olga von Schubert; exhibition, reading group, conference, book; nGbK, New Society of Fine Arts, Berlin
2000-2001 Projektraum Berlin, discoursive art space; co-curation, invited guests,
amongst others: Art & Economy (University of the Arts, Berlin), Andreas Siekmann, Kaspar König, Alice Creischer,
Katja Diefenbach etc.
Grants and Awards
2020 Fellow at University of Art and Design Linz and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
2018 COSE COSMICHE, Senseless Recidency, Fondazione Arthur Cravan, Milan
2014 - 2022 Studio fund, Berlin Studio Programme, Senate Office for Cultural Affairs
2015 Travel Funding, Senate Office for Cultural Affairs, Berlin
2015 Project fund, New Society of Fine Arts Berlin (nGbK), DKLB-Foundation
2014 Residency Program, Lukas Cranach Foundation
2014 Nominated for Istanbul Cultural Exchange Stipend, Federal State of Berlin
2014 Publication funding by Goethe-Instituts Mexiko-Stadt for: GLOSARIO DE TÉRMINOS INFLACIONARIOS. desde [diletante] hasta [virtuoso], [Eds.] S. Hillnhütter, E. Sengezer, O. v. Schubert, A. Bromley, M. Fesca [nGbK AG Die Irregulären], Mexiko-Stadt, 2014
2013 Project fund, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation
2013 Project fund, New Society of Fine Arts Berlin (nGbK), DKLB-foundation
2009 / 2010 Residency Program, Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
2007 Nominated for Bosch Rexroth Prize for Young Art
2006 Project fund, Schwankhalle, Bremen / City of Bremen
2006 Residency Program, Art Society Künstlerhaus Hooksiel
2002 - 2004 Long-Term Grant to Visual Artists, City of Bremen
Teaching Experience
WS 18/19 Lecturer, Masterstudium, Medienkultur- und Kunsttheorien (MKKT), Institut für Medien, Kunstuniversität Linz
SS 17 Institute Aesthetic Practice and Theory | IaeP, Academy of Arts and Design | HGK |Basel
WS 16/17 Lecturer, Masterstudium, Medienkultur- und Kunsttheorien (MKKT), Kunstuniversität Linz
seit 2015 Lecturer, Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin, Product Design Departement:
Prof. Barbara Schmidt, Entwurf mit Schwerpunkt Design und Experiment
- WS 15/16 Food Design the Fermentation - „Eat the Universe“, Seminar together with Tainá Guedes;
- WS 15/16 Grundlagen Filmdokumentation als Visual Essays, Seminar;
- WS 15/16 Design and Display, Seminar together with Taina Guedes
- WS 14/15 Kneading & Cooking the Discourse, Seminar together with dilettantin produktionsbüro
Lectures and Presentations
2018 Hochschule Trier
2016 Ljubljana, REPETITION/S: Performance and Philosophy
Berlin, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft - 2016: Kritik!
2015 University of Vienna, Austria, conference: Body Discourses, lecture
2010 Mozarteum University Salzburg, Austria: masterclass Prof. Beate Terfloth: studio workshop, w/ Anna Bromley
2009 Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany: fellow`s 2009 lecture
Upcoming: Groov, hybrid of texts and drawings, University of Art and Design Linz.
2022 Speak to me, artist book by Anna Bromley, with drawings by Michael Fesca, Kunstverein Röderhof.
2021 Review: „Isabell Lorey: Demokratie im Präsens Eine Theorie der politischen Gegenwart“, (with Anna Bromley)
in: Springerin Heft 3/2021, Wien.
Review: „Sofia Bempeza/Christoph Brunner/Katharina Hausladen/Ines Kleesattel/Ruth Sonderegger:
Polyphone Ästhetik. Eine kritische Situierung“, (with Anna Bromley) in: Springerin Heft 1/2021, Wien.
2018 Ceramics and its Dimensions: Shaping the Future, Aalto University, Helsinki
2015 Jokebook; nGbK/ Bureau for Paradoxical Relations (Anna Bromley, Michael Fesca,Teena Lange, Suza Husse, Jana Sotzko) (Editors), nGbK Berlin,
published for Redemption Jokes.
After Laughter (with A. Bromley und Paola Bonino) and Is Revenge Sweet ? (Interview with Amit Epstein) in Jokebook, nGbK, Berlin
Off the Beat – The Groove of Infectious Laughter (with Anna Bromley), in: Ear/Wave/Event #2, Bill Dietz and Woody Sullender, New York.
2014 Glosario de términos inflacionarios. desde [diletante] hasta [virtuoso], [Eds.] S. Hillnhütter, E. Sengezer, O. v. Schubert, A. Bromley, M. Fesca, Mexico City. Translation of Glossar inflationärer Begriffe (Glossary of Inflationary Terms)
cool in Glosario de términos inflacionarios (de bello hasta virtuoso), Editors.: A. Bromley, M. Fesca, S. Hillnhütter, O. v. Schubert
and E. Sengezer, Mexiko-City (Spanish),
Abstruse Timed, in: Out of the Box. 10 Fragen an künstlerische Forschung, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, MAK (Editor), Wien
2013 Glossar inflationärer Begriffe, nGbK (Hg.) Anna Bromley/ Michael Fesca/ Eylem Sengezer/ Sarah Hillnhütter / Olga von Schubert, Berlin 2013.
published for Die Irregulären - Ökonomien des Abweichens (The Irregulars-Economies of Deviations,)
((un)cool), in: Glossar inflationärer Begriffe (Glossary of Inflationary Terms), nGbK, Berlin;
Tree Inside a Dwelling, Coolness for Trees - Everything in Rainy Conditions, in: :
What is the future of architecture? II, Crap is Good Press, Berlin
2006 Cold Day Circle, Perfomative Baging by Michael Fesca, edited by Kunst und Künstlerhaus Schwankhalle, Bremen
Works in Public and Private Spaces
Occidental Bonsai, performative orchard at the Foundation Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany
Municipal Gallery Bremen
Municipal Collection Hooksiel
collection Goldschmiedeschule Pforzheim
collection von Chmara, private collections in Berlin and abroad